Facebook shortcuts

I think most of the readers here are Facebook fans.
But most of them are not aware about the Facebook shortcuts.
 So, do you like to have list of Facebook shortcuts.
I think most of you will like to have such.
Today I'm going to discuss about the set of Facebook shortcuts which you can use in your browser.

First of introducing the shortcuts, I have to say that the shortcuts may differ with the browser that you are using.

List of Facebook shortcuts for Google Chrome.

Following shortcuts can use with Google Chrome to the Facebook. If your browser is not supported to these, you may old version and have to update it.
Shortcut keys               
 Alt + 1     Home page
 Alt + 2     Profile page
 Alt + 3     Friend requests
 Alt + 4     Massages
 Alt + 5     Notifications
 Alt + 6     Account settings
 Alt + 7     Privacy settings
 Alt + 8     Official Facebook page
 Alt + 9     Service agreement
 Alt + 0     Help center
 Alt + M     New massage
 Alt + L     Like/ Unlike
 Alt + ?     Search in search box

List of  Facebook shortcuts for FireFox.

Following shortcuts can use with Mozilla FireFox to the Facebook. If your browser is not supported to these, you may old version and have to update it.

FacebookShortcut keys              
 Shift + Alt + 1     Home page
 Shift + Alt + 2     Profile page
 Shift + Alt + 3     Friend requests
 Shift + Alt + 4     Massages
 Shift + Alt + 5     Notifications
 Shift + Alt + 6     Account settings
 Shift + Alt + 7     Privacy settings
 Shift + Alt + 8     Official Facebook page
 Shift + Alt + 9     Service agreement
 Shift + Alt + 0     Help center
 Shift + Alt + M     New massage
 Shift + Alt + L     Like/ Unlike
 Shift + Alt + ?     Search in search box

List of Facebook shortcuts for Internet Explorer.

Following shortcuts can use with Internet explorer to the Facebook. If your browser is not supported to these, you may old version and have to update it.

Shortcut keys               
 Enter + Alt + 1     Home page
 Enter + Alt + 2     Profile page
 Enter + Alt + 3     Friend requests
 Enter + Alt + 4     Massages
 Enter + Alt + 5     Notifications
 Enter + Alt + 6     Account settings
 Enter + Alt + 7     Privacy settings
 Enter + Alt + 8     Official Facebook page
 Enter + Alt + 9     Service agreement
 Enter + Alt + 0     Help center
 Enter + Alt + M     New massage
 Enter + Alt + L     Like/ Unlike
 Enter + Alt + ?     Search in search box